Today I threw out 1576 pictures (6,6Gb worth) of iPhoto 2. That means I only have 3166 (or 13,3 Gb) of them left on my computer. I bought iPhoto 5 being reasonably happy with iPhoto 2 but being promised better performance. Now that didn’t turn out well. (yes, it was faster, but it should handle the photo collection of an average DSLR amateur) iPhoto is the program that crashes most frequently on my computer. Only reason for going with iPhoto was that f-spot wasn’t stable on OS X, and last I checked about a month ago it still wasn’t. I’m recompiling now, though, hoping that OS X stability comes around soon. (It’d be awesome having it included with fink) This guy won’t be upgrading to iPhoto 6 anytime soon. Apple hasn’t taken a single bug report regarding iPhoto 5 seriously. No stability patch has been released. Bad enough it being dreadfully slow. Sorry Apple, you had my money, leave photography for the rest and build those wonderful computers you’re so good at.

I’d like to quote Mattheson from Der vollkommene Capellmeister. In his foreword (I read from the english translation that’s close to impossible to get hold of these days. Publishers take note: this book requires a reprint!) he writes:
In France they say:

A passable meldoy or verse
Is not worth the devil.

Scholars are all of the opinion that it would be impossible for an individual to bring even only one branch of knowledge to perfection; but, in order to do this, it would be absolutely essential that many scholars pool their resources, render mutual assistance, and work collectively. For experience shows that nothing of significance is achived until matters are taken up through such cooperation.

I think this is one of the nicest places I’ve ever found support for the open source movement. And science for that matter. Words of note: mutual assistance, work collectively. Go out, do your work, share your insights and show us how you did it

Norsk Rikskringskasting (the Norwegian version of BBC) has long streamed its radio via the net. Now they have started with podcasting, and tell you all about it in virtually every radio program and on this page. I checked it out, and many of my favourite shows were there. Note NRK, I *REALLY* miss Musikk Antikk. Their page is far from structured at the moment, but as more shows are podcasted I’m sure they’ll introduce some structure (four almost identical news-casts, which one should I choose?)

A while ago I was pointed at Noise Ninja which is a great program for reducing picture noise. While investigating, I found a few other options, but no open source options. Looking at it again today I found that there are a few plugins for The GIMP in the works: most notably Dcam Noise 2, but also ISO noise reduction. I wonder what’s keeping the open source world away on this, but I’m glad to see someone’s working on it at least. At the moment I’m just adding a bit of blur to my images using GIMPShop and *shriek* iPhoto 5

If you didn’t notice Tao of Mac’s post, go read it. Your /var/log/windowserver.log on your Tiger system may be updated every time you press a key. Mine certainly was. Good thing there is a solution, although it should have been patched by Apple long time ago. Buggar that. Oh well, patched manually. Now back to playing Lemmings, the DHTML version