According to Apple, setting up Tiger to print on a Windows network is done almost automatically. Yeah, right. Lucky for me David Carlin wrote an blog post on how to set up a Windows printer in Tiger. Thanks a lot, David.
Despite the warnings of battery drainage and poor performance, I’ve bought an iPod. After having shot 850mb worth of photos with my Canon EOS 20D, I decided to throw the 368 (yes, I shot jpeg) into the pod. Result: it took two hours and half the power of the pod is gone (the 20D still thinks its full). And the iPod is so hot that I really don’t want to put it in my pocket.
I’ve extended Javier Wilson’s punycode SquirrelMail plugin to allow logins with non-US letters. I.e, test@bÃ¥ will be translated to test@xn— and use that for login. If it is of use to you, you can download version 0.2.2N.
Our right wing government has finally done something right: it’s mandating the use of open fileformats. This has long been demanded by The Socialist Left Party of Norway.
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