Today I threw out 1576 pictures (6,6Gb worth) of iPhoto 2. That means I only have 3166 (or 13,3 Gb) of them left on my computer. I bought iPhoto 5 being reasonably happy with iPhoto 2 but being promised better performance. Now that didn’t turn out well. (yes, it was faster, but it should handle the photo collection of an average DSLR amateur) iPhoto is the program that crashes most frequently on my computer. Only reason for going with iPhoto was that f-spot wasn’t stable on OS X, and last I checked about a month ago it still wasn’t. I’m recompiling now, though, hoping that OS X stability comes around soon. (It’d be awesome having it included with fink) This guy won’t be upgrading to iPhoto 6 anytime soon. Apple hasn’t taken a single bug report regarding iPhoto 5 seriously. No stability patch has been released. Bad enough it being dreadfully slow. Sorry Apple, you had my money, leave photography for the rest and build those wonderful computers you’re so good at.

Categories: Technology