I have been using Webkit nightly for the past few weeks. I was not planning on using it much, just trying it out, but it’s so fast that without really intending to, I’ve stopped using Firefox. I never used Safari much because I like Firefox both speed- and feature-wise, but now I’m probably Webkit only. Until something better comes along, of course. Naturally, I’ve been wanting to use it at work, on the Windows Server 2003 R2 servers that I’m developing on. To start of with something safe, I tried out Safari while installing a Sharepoint server. It crashed when only it and the OS was installed. Jikes. On close inspection, Safari only claims to be XP and Vista compatible, but installed without a problem on WS2003R2. Replacing it with webkit was no hit either, both crashed when entering wikipedia.org in the address bar. Having fully installed the server, none of them run without crashing. So I guess it really is XP or Vista only on the Windows platform.

FixPicture is a nice little site that helped me with converting a PSF file (ArcSoft PhotoStudio format) to JPG. I had received this file as an attachment by a user who couldn’t know this was a nonstandard format, and since I didn’t have any software that could read it (as far as I know), this site was very useful. :-)

I was installing a set of templates on a sharepoint server I’m setting up for work, and I came accross these great instruction on how to install them, since I had the same problem as Matthew in the comments. I even learned that the command line has for-loops. I always assumed this shell had absolutely nothing. Now I just believe it’s very limited. :-) zsh for Windows? (without Cygwin?)

Macrumors reports that AppleTV Take Two includes airtunes support! Yay! Finally some light in this dark tunnel. And here I was thinking that Apple had abandoned the technology after leaving it out of new Airports. I’m looking forward to hearing just what it will do. :-) Stream? Play back? Both ways? Bridge?


Technology 2008-02-01

While Googling I found Pentaho, an open source BI suite that uses the same stack that I used for my last job: MySQL/JBoss/Tomcat/Eclipse. Great seeing there are more out there, and if you’re starting up with BI and prefer OSS, check them out!