Just a quick note on Name Calculations in SSAS, they need to be written in whatever SQL dialect the underlying DB engine (probably MS-SQL) understands. I wanted to make a Sales Margin calculation, and to avoid a Divide by Zero where sale price was zero, my code for this was:
<br /> CASE<br /> WHEN Sale<>0 THEN (Sale-Cost)/Sale<br /> ELSE 0<br /> END<br />
Never before have I needed four lines to do a simple IF. ;-)

I’m not a frequent user of CoverFlow, but now that I wanted to use it on my shared iTunes library in my living room from the Windows iTunes client I noticed that I cannot select neither CoverFlow nor in an album list. I’m stunned and looking forward to trying it out on my MBP

These instructions are a great 5 minute guide to using iTunes at work. My mini at home already has SSH access enabled, so fire up Putty, make a tunnel, install the helper app and Boom! You’ve got music at work

One of my pet project has been FrontRow and using my mini with an Elgato Hybrid and EyeTV as a media centre. At the moment its very quirky since there isn’t much info on making FrontRow plugins, or so I thought. Yesterday I read about PyeTV, an EyeTV integration for FrontRow written in Python using FrontPython. Jay! I love Python! And all this while I had been betting to read about it at Alan’s blog. But he got a girl, so jay for him as well. :-) I’m looking forward to having some time on my hands to use FrontPython and see if I can put together a SNES launcher from FrontRow, integrated with DarwiinRemote. :-) Check out Plugin101 for FrontPython on how to get started. Now, is anyone working on making a clone of the YouTube support that AppleTV has for FrontRow? BTW, check out Sapphire Browser that seems to have started it all

The Canon EOS 450 was announced today, and now DPReview has made a preliminary review of it. I’m sad it doesn’t go past 1600 ISO. Nikon is going for high ISOs now, and Canon has pretty much stood still since I bought my 20D. My wish for the next camera (Canon 50D?) is higher ISO with low noise (low noise at 6400 ISO, boost ISO to 25600 ISO. I can dream, can’t I? But Nikon has low noise up to 3200 ISO so Canon should do its best to do better) and sensor-based image stabilizing. If you need to cut back, Canon, I can do without live view. :-)