A good one-file slideshow X-HTML/CSS/JS-based system is available at Eric’s Archived Thoughts

This article is a good introduction to neural nets in PureData: Written by Arshia Cont, Thierry Coduys and Cyrille Henry.

According to AppleInsider, Tiger is adding
an option to encrypt memory when its being swapped to disk
. If swapping wasn’t a performance drain already, this will be. Unless, of course, “encryption” is an XOR thingy or similar. (I automatically assume strong encryption :) )

With the release of
Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8
and Firefox 1.0 preview, the problem with Desktop Manager and CodeTek Desktop Manager are gone. For the past two release it has been beyond belief hard to input any text into Firefox and Thunderbird, to the point where I’ve gone back to Apple’s Mail and Safari. Now I can use both Mozilla products again. :-)