From Technorati:

  • How many sources of information must you keep up with?
  • Tired of clicking the same link from a dozen different blogs?
  • RSS readers collect updates, but with so many unread items, how do you know which to read first?

Attention.XML is designed to to solve these problems and enable a whole new class of blog and feed related applications.

Good stuff, guys, I’m excited to hear about it and wonder where this’ll go. (via Jeremy Zawodny)


Technology 2004-10-23

Is it just me, or is iPhoto getting seriously old. First off all, it doesn’t support RAW yet, so the CR2 files from my Canon EOS 20D are easily getting seriously disorganized. Seconldy, speed… sorry Apple, I’ve seen iPhoto 4 with 7000 1 mb pictures with the odd 40mb picture in it, it’s just not up to par on your iMac 1Ghz/1GB which should be more than good enough to handle this. How hard is it to cache those thumbnails? Waiting minutes every time you move the scrollbar just doesn’t work. So I’ve stuck with iPhoto 2 which is equally slow. Features of iPhoto 4 I’d like of course, and I’m so looking forward to hearing news of what Apple has in plan for the next revision (will that be iPhoto 6, 8 or 16, btw? ;-) ) as iPhoto 2 doesn’t work well for more than a gb of photos at a time or so.

Delicious Library looks GOOD. I have no idea of just what it does beyond building up your own library of stuff, but when it’s available I’ll go have a look

I’ll need to check out Laszlo and it’s open source server.

I usually to check how my pages work for blind people using w3m or links, but now I can check how colour blind people see my pages: Colourblind Web Page Filter