
General 2004-07-01

One and a half hour ago, I had my first cup of fishmeal mixed with water. It was such a shock I almost vomited, and I still feel it crawling up, trying to get out of my stomache. Not delicate at all. I was aware that the taste and smell was repulsive, but I can’t have mixed it out allright, ‘cause it felt like sand mixed with water. Ugh… oh well, at least I’m prepared for my next cup tomorrow. I’ll be sure to have a good cup of coffee around, then. Now I had only chewing gum, and I assure you that there’s no amount of gum to chew that can instantly make the taste and feel in your body go away. I’m taking it on the recommendation of a father of a friend of mine who’s a nutrition researcher. Together with a couple of tablets, this should help protect my arms and my general wellbeing. I’m quite convinced this is a good thing, but ugh…


General 2004-07-01

I haven’t figured out what all the fuzz about Dahsboard is. I gave Konfabulator a shot once. Looks nice when you’re using it, it’s good for server monitoring etc. Sorry for the Konfabulator guy that Apple made a smiliar product. I hope he at least had a chance to strike a deal similar to what the guys who made Panther’s filebrowser got. Anyways, Konfabulator had a problem, and Dashboard has the same. An Apple-blogger sais it right out:
Dashboard is (from a browser geek’s perspective): HTML sidebar panels liberated from the browser window and placed anywhere on the screen
. Meaning, using it gives you nothing but clutter on your desktop. Big deal? Probably not, but you’re not going to get good information here as you’re training yourself to ignore it. Worse yet, when the Konfabulator widgets fail, they often more or less stall, making the ready-at-hand/present-at-hand discussion relevant again: it will jump up at you and annoy you when it fails. I don’t care if it’s failed when I’m not reading the information, and because I’ll be trained to ignore it, it’ll be nothing but a hassle. When I get 10.4, I’ll be sure to turn it off straight away, just like I never wanted to use Konfabulator much.


General 2004-06-28

This is mostly to try out an “Insert image” plugin for WordPress. As you can see, Dag-Erling came visiting saturday.


General 2004-06-28

A raid disk failed at work. HP box, RAID controller, replacing the disk was done in a sec:

<br /> ciss0: *** Hot-plug drive removed: SCSI port 1 ID 1<br /> ciss0: *** Hot-plug drive inserted: SCSI port 1 ID 1<br /> ciss0: *** State change, logical drive 0<br /> ciss0: logical drive 0 (da0) changed status interim recovery->ready for recovery, spare status 0x0<br /> ciss0: *** State change, logical drive 0<br /> ciss0: logical drive 0 (da0) changed status ready for recovery->recovering, spare status 0x0<br />

However, going with two IDE disks and FreeBSD’s ATARAID gave not even a panic, just instant boot. Still work to be done.