Our last insect for in this series

Bumblebee #2

M$ critic

Blogs 2005-07-12

Funny thing, this guy predicts that I’ll be a sworn M$ critic by 2021. Funny that. ;-) I have absolutely no idea who this is.


Photoblog 2005-07-12



Photoblog 2005-07-11


A message forwarded from Rainer Böhm:

Dear colleagues,
the following instrument has been stolen:

g-Alt after Ganassi, made by Adriana Breukink
a=466 Hz
two parts
maple (no metal applied)
no signature

Please forward any useful information to:
Rainer Böhm
Joachim-Friedrich-Str. 41
10711 Berlin
Tel.: 030 / 893 52 95
Fax: 030 / 895 42 421
Email: rainerboehm.altamusica@t-online.de