While checking out other OSC applications than pOSCa and OSCar in the AppStore I came across Synthpond lite that looks really cool. Just thought I’d let you know

I thought I’d share this little piece of code. Nothing revolutionary, but all right for Twitter maintenance. I didn’t want to be following lots of people that don’t post, so I wrote this little utillity that lists when people posted last time. It requires python-twitter. To get a nice list of who hasn’t posted in 2009, do
python lasttweet.py | grep -v 2009
Likewise, if you want to see everyone that last posted in January and have it sorted by what day in January, do:
python lasttweet.py |grep Jan|cut -d ' ' -f 3-9|sort -n
Here follows the code:
api = twitter.Api(username=’username’, password=’somepassword’)
page = 1
users = api.GetFriends(page=1)
friends = []
friends = friends + users
while(len(users) == 100):
  page = page + 1
  users = api.GetFriends(page=page)
  friends = friends + users

for user in friends:
  lastPost = user.GetStatus().AsDict()[“created_at”]
  print lastPost, user.screen_name
  tl = api.GetPublicTimeline(user.name)

Good fun: today I submitted three little iPhone apps for review, hopefully they’ll be up in the AppStore within long. The first is Well Tempered, my tuning application, that’ll be for sale. It’s for tuning early music instruments such as harpsichords and organs and will have many early music temperaments. Do see the product page. Then there are pOSCa and OSCar, free OSC controllers that’ll get electronic musicians up from their chairs and performing. Can’t wait to have them online and I wonder what people will think of them. I like them very much. :-) Updates will of course be provided as necessary.

This review is a really nice and thorough reveiew

Here is a nice link to Patrick using the bubble game to create OSC signals that will generate sound in SuperCollider. Soon, he can use pOSCa and OSCar as well :-)