According to The Seattle Times, coffee really is addictive. In other words: no news today.
What is really funny is they find that an average american drinks 3.4 cups of coffee a day. Now, how much is a cup? Is a cup the same amount of coffee as an espresso shot? My cup of coffee is typically three espressos that fit nicely in a cup. There’s even room for hot water, hot cream, cinamon, liquer, whatever you desire for your coffee (yes, cookies and chocolate too). Is this regarded as a cup? An americano is typically an espresso with buckets of warm water, producing the worlds probably thinnes coffee. Do americans drink americano’s? (looks like they do in Friends, but then again how american are the Friends characters? )
I wonder if Jonathan Schwartz will comment on todays news (ITworld (via ZDNet blog (via Schwartz, actually )) and Computerworld (via Linux Today)) that HP doesn’t like him blogging negatively about them. I remember reading the discussed entry and I actually agreed with Schwartz in much of it. But it’s interesting as this is what, in my view, blogs do well: give people’s opinion a place, without having corporations interfering. For instance, I’m buying a Canon EOS 20D camera, and I read reviews by obviously biassed reviewers, but also lots of blog entries. And after having read enough, I actually ordered it without having had it in my hand, I’m that confident that this will be a great camera. It goes the other way around too, if I buy something on eBay and I get screwed by a seller (no, I don’t have any particulars in mind
), I will be sure to report it, and not particularly by negative feedback. This is what blogs do well. And I’m sorry for HP if they don’t appreciate it. But hey, they got heaps of PR on it. And it’d be nice to hear Jonathan’s opinion.
Today I had my first pop-up ad in a loooong time because I’d forgotten I’d disabled it just to try out some stuff. Good stuff, I’d totally forgotten the anoyance.
I’ve taken up baking
My first loaf of bread wasn’t a success for the looks, but it tasted fantastic! My second one was rather sluggish with too much water, but I’m getting there.
Add ingredients, let the machine do the rest. Suits me fine.
And finally I can get good bread in Denmark (not just white or all black, but plain norwegian “grovbrød”)
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