
Photoblog 2004-11-09


Martin: you made the pissoire look cosy! Guilty as charged. ;-)


Photoblog 2004-11-08


[Scott Long][1] announces changes to the release engineering process with a focus shift from features to timelines. Time for me to update the FreeBSD Project Model document again (already have one uncommitted major revision here that I’d planned to commit shortly after 5.3 ;-) )

[1]: http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=2259911 0 current/freebsd-current

At Kurohin they are double-checking the numbers and drawing their connclusions from the US election. Although I haven’t thought the American voting system a suitable tool for a democracy, it is a boost that people can and do verify the numbers. More openness of election data and the data presented in open formats will only help us understand the democracies better. Keep up the good work, whoever is behind this. :-)

(PS, computerizing elections doesn’t mean people won’t screw up, as Wired can attest to)