Right, if you’ve been following my blog you might have been a little discouraged getting the 500 HTTP-error for about a month. Well, short story shorter: I wrote a velocity macro that had an error that brought Roller down. Removing the macro hard from the db didn’t work, so it wasn’t until today I could be bothered starting it from scratch. Oh well… I might put back a bit of the old content. We’ll see… :)

Apart from that, this is December 6th, my name day and St. Niklas (Sinterklaas). Had an amazing breakfast with my dear neighbour and now I’ll shower, go practise and then go grocery-shopping. The weather is fantastic today.

Oh, and yesterday Dag-Erling submitted a request for me to become a FreeBSD doc-committer. (you have read my thesis on FreeBSD, right?) This was after we finally returned to integrating parts of my thesis with the FreeBSD documentation (draft available here) and quite much will need updating

Categories: General