Wow, it’s been ages, hasn’t it. Well, you’ll be all very pleased to hear that I’m studying for my exams that are coming up. In studying, I mean of course that I’ve taken up the keyboard again, started playing Beatles on my guitar, rehearsing Corelli, been having a concert with the choir (it went totally fabulous! And it was great standing on the gallery singing in a quartet while the rest of the choir was singing towards us with candles in their hands!
Magnificent!) and saying yes to play both for my job, for a choir that’s doing a Shutz-piece my choir also had parts of on the concert, and said ok to sing with another choir. Seriously, I have no clue why I study IT. I think it has something to do with sanity, but I begin to feel that I need some time off to study music.
I’ve figured the best way to pick up my keyboard skills is to do La Folia in all scales. So that’s what I was doing just now. I made myself a cup of soup, but since I was so busy with the music, it I took a way to big cup, put the soup powder in and put too much water in it, so it’s more like reddish water.
Well, apart from music, Thu was visiting me all the way from Switzerland. I had a great time and I’m quite sure she did too. It was terriffic seeing her again.
And I’m sure Anne Lise (hah, I insist on that spelling, thank you very much
) called me for ages from Australia. I think she’s giving Optus a run for its money by using their deals to the fullest.
Oh well, back to the keyboard. And yes, I should be sleeping now. But then again, who shouldn’t?
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